Monday, September 01, 2008

True To Plumb

This was my pastor's letter for September 2008:
We started this calendar year with a slogan of “Get It Straight in 2008.” How are we doing?

I am reminded of Amos 7:7-9 where there is a prophetic vision where God Himself sets up a plumb line.

Now, for a non-construction kind of person like me, I haven’t seen a lot of plumb lines in my life. I am told that a plumb line is essentially a heavy pointed weight on the end of a string. I understand that a builder can ‘line up’ a vertical wall and make sure that his wall is exactly up and down straight by hanging a plumb line from the top and letting gravity pull the weight… and thus one can compare the building with the standard of what ought to be.

Amos sees God use a plumb line and then, prophetically, God declares that the lives of the Israelites are not measuring up to the standard God has set.

This is what he showed me: the Lord was standing by a wall that had been built true to plumb, with a plumb line in his hand. And the Lord asked me, “What do you see, Amos?”
“A plumb line,” I replied.
Then said the Lord said, “Look, I am setting a plumb line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer...”
(Amos 7:7-8, NIV)

As Christians, we believe the Bible can act like a plumb line for our lives as followers of Jesus. By reading the Bible we can learn of God’s ways & God’s standards. Then, with the power of God to help us, we can repent of the ways in which we haven’t lined up & we can adjust our behaviors & our attitudes to match his Biblical standard.

So, now I need your help… I know what God has spoken to me that I need to get straight in my life… How about you? Is there an area in life where you struggle and would like to understand God’s ‘plumb line’ for that area? Perhaps a particular teaching or Scripture that you are still not quite sure about?

Let me know… As I work on sermon planning and Bible study topics, I need to know what would be most helpful to you in your Christian walk.

Then, together, we CAN keep it straight in 2008!

1 comment:

Corben said...

Interesting Insight and I have to ask you now what?

I love Amos and the plumb line... to be true to beliefs... to be true to Scripture and yet now we need to ask now what?

For me I am working on reading scripture more and holding to accountability through informal mentors.

Great Insight and God bless