Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Babies crying during the sermon: A response

Earlier today, I ran across a blog post by Jon Acuff regarding babies crying during the sermon. The link is here.
Babies crying during the sermon. | Stuff Christians Like – Jon Acuff
I was so disturbed, I actually left a comment. (Not something I would normally do, by the way.)

This is what I wrote:

The gospels DO seem to record that some parents took kids with them when they went to listen to Jesus. And when Jesus recognized that there were adults (disciples) who were trying to keep them out of the way, Jesus SCOLDED them!
As a pastor, I LOVE that there are kids in church. The church I'm in right now does have a kids church about 1/2 way through the service, but not everyone sends their kids. And yes, there has been a crying baby a time or two. And my response is always "I believe the church assembled NEEDS to be able to hear the sounds of life! It is a pity to have a church that cannot hear them!'
If the message we are sharing is really all that important to real life, then that message better be able to withstand normal sounds of life. Including a baby crying.

Now that my blood is boiling, I'd like to know what some others do and what you thought after reading his blog posting.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ministry Matters™ | Blog | 5 Lessons from 'Caine's Arcade'

I saw a video on YouTube the other day about a 9 year old boy in California who created a wonderfully imaginative arcade out of cardboard and odds and ends. Shane Raynor, blogger on Ministry Matters, wrote an excellent post on Caine , his Arcade, and lessons we can cull from this child and his ongoing project.
Check it out!!

Ministry Matters™ | Blog | 5 Lessons from 'Caine's Arcade'