Thursday, December 06, 2007

A New Start...

Yesterday, Josh got to start school for the first time yesterday. We have a new pre-school program in our district and we went and visited on Tuesday and then he started on Wednesday.

Of course, my son has never had to line up before... and as Gay dropped him off for school the teachers were getting the kids lined up to go to the bathroom to wash their hands... and she heard Josh declare: "I'M FEELING GWUMPEE!"

The teacher later told me that he declared he was "ANGWEE" when he couldn't keep playing at the sand table. She wonderfully dealt with it and he was happy again in no time.

One of the problems I feel I had as I was growing up was that I never really learned how to express what I was really feeling inside (appropriately at least). I guess our goal of teaching him to identify and express emotion is working! (Now, how about tying shoes or picking up toys???!!!)

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