Friday, January 06, 2012

Three Simple Rules

This is my pastor's letter for the January 2012 edition of The Flame, Clarks Mills' UMC newsletter.

“Likewise, every good tree bears  good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit… thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”— Matt 7:17, 20 (NIV)

    Our bishop, Thomas J. Bickerton, shared a story a couple of years ago of being at a particular Council of Bishops’ meeting when a fight broke out. OK… it was only a conversation but there were several different points of view. Whatever you call it, there were various opinions being expressed over how they (the bishops) could help get our people, and our churches, to be more unified as United Methodists.

    It seems that we have learned how to debate well and disagree often. But if we are going to bear the word “United” in our name, ought there not be something about which we agree?

    So, the Council of Bishops was trying to formulate some plan, or statement, or idea that could help us refocus on our unity… on what it really means to be “Methodist” in our heritage and “United” in our practice of being the church. And there were apparently a lot of ideas that took a  L  O  N  G  time to discuss.

    But then Bishop Bickerton shared that the conversation sort of settled into silence as one of our older bishops, Bishop Reuben Job, stood up and reminded everyone that we already had a statement, an idea, a plan that ought to be uniting us and identifying us as Methodist… And it was summed up as Three Simple Rules.

    Dating back over 250 years to John Wesley himself, the “General Rules of the Methodist Societies,” already addressed these issues and, in essence, were part of the covenant every one of us United Methodists vowed we’d keep. While the wording is old-fashioned, the truth is still there… and still do-able.

     In the official text (from the Discipline, 103), we are introduced to the rules thusly:

There is only one condition previously required of those who desire admission into these societies: “a desire to flee from the wrath to come, and to be saved from their sins.” But wherever this is really fixed in the soul it will be shown by its fruits.

    Basically, if you have repented of your sins and Christ lives within you, then you are welcome to “join” us Methodists. BUT, we also have an expectation that IF that’s really true, then people around you (inside AND outside of the church) will be able to tell that you have Christ living in you.

    With that in mind, the Methodists agreed that any of us who really had Jesus in our hearts, would agree to show it in three ways:

First, By doing no harm, by avoiding evil of every kind…”
Second, By doing good; by being in every kind merciful after their power; as they have opportunity, doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all me…”
Thirdly, By attending upon all the ordinances of God…”

    Bishop Job reworded those three General Rules, for today’s United Methodists, thusly:

1. Do No Harm,
2. Do Good, and
3. Stay in Love with God.

    To this day, the “General Rules” are printed verbatim in our Book of Discipline. They are meant to be a part of the daily lifestyle of every person who is a part of the Methodist heritage.

    We deliberately watch out so that we don’t cause harm to others with our words, our actions, or our silence.

    We consciously look for ways to do good to others any chance we get.

    And we intentionally, (in a methodical way) practice what has become known as the spiritual disciplines... faithfully attending public worship, carefully reading and searching the Bible, purposely praying, thoughtfully reading Christian authors and devotionals, and regularly participating in the sacrament of Holy Communion and the remembrance of baptism.

    Throughout this next year, we will regularly focus on ideas presented in this little book.

    Let’s show the world around us our fruit...

Thursday, January 05, 2012

The HEART of the Team

These are my sermon notes for this past Sunday (January 1, 2012) at the Clarks Mills UMC. This is primarily an expanded outline from which I then preached. 



Super Bowl!

TEAMWORK…Establish a team that can work together and knows the same playbook…

Christ wants to establish a team WITH US!

Not just those who SAY they’re Christian or those who go to church… but those who know the same playbook, have the same ground rules for working together with each other and with Christ.


1 Samuel 16:7

“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

It is in our hearts that we will be Christian.

In our hearts we will make the choices to be a part of the team, set out to make disciples for Jesus Christ.

It is through our hearts that we will show

Matthew 7:16
“By their fruit you shall recognize them.”

What will people around us recognize by the “fruit” the grows from our hearts?

Dr. Roy Trueblood, in his book Partners in Ministry, used that word HEART as an acrostic to identify 5 key ground rules that teams, especially ministry teams, HAVE TO HAVE in order to be GREAT teams.


Jesus said repeatedly, Let him who has ears to hear, hear.
Don’t let this message go in one ear and out the other….

Jesus showed us the importance of this and gave us the example…
John 4… Woman at the well.

He’s tired, and sits down to rest while the disciples go on…

He hears the woman… understands the rejection and pain that she’s operating out of, and meets her right there where she is.

So often we Christians look at where the world around us & the people around us OUGHT to be and get upset , angry, or depressed because they don’t seem to get it.

Jesus showed us the better way… Stop. Hear them and REALLY listen. Understand where they’re coming from. Meet them where they are.


Again, Jesus is our example:
John 8…woman taken in adultery…

Who accuses you?

Go and sin no more.


Jesus affirmed the greatness and worth of those around him.

·       Ate & drank with sinners and even prostitutes mk 2.16
·       Nathaniel… I saw you under the fig tree… john 1:48


John 12:1-18
Mary & Martha’s home
Mary broke box of ointment, disciples complained about impracticality. 

Jesus saw her loving intentions.


Ephesians 4.15
Paul teaches that it is as we speak “the truth in love” that “we will in all things grow up into him who is the head, that is, Christ.”

Truth, without love, without compassion, tears down and wounds the one to whom you speak.
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

In many organizations, at their first meeting of the year, they install their new officers. And, in essence, so do we today. BUT, I want us to be MORE than just a roster of officers… It is my hope, my prayer, and my goal, that we be a MINISTRY TEAM.

Officers have authority to do their job and are responsible to go do their job and carry out their assigned tasks.

A Ministry TEAM, has team members who do have specific tasks and areas that are their responsibility, but they are dependant upon everyone else in the team doing their jobs as well.

So, I don’t talk about “officers” of the church “organization,” but rather we work as a “team” each of us doing our job but completely ineffective unless we’re doing it WITH the rest of the team as a part of that team.

One final word…
All of these things we’ve talked about today are built upon the assumption that you KNOW Jesus Christ first!

These are not qualities that you’re going to be able to work on alone. You MUST have Jesus Christ as your foundation you or it won’t make a difference.

That’s why one of the United Methodist Book of Discipline, (the “play book” if you will of the United Methodist Church) includes a requirement that those serving in positions of leadership and responsibility must have Jesus Christ as their Lord and their Savior first or else they are NOT eligible to lead in our church.

As we work together in 2012, let’s remember the HEART of the team!

--All Scripture references from The Holy Bible, New International Version, 1984 (NIV).